By the time we arrived on Canadian soil it was just 3 hours after we left Melbourne, but having flown and waited around airports for over 20 hours, nevertheless, alll went well and we were pleased to get to our hotel room in downtown Vancouver. A quick look around then we were off to Rach and Chops lovely apartment in Kinsalata.
It was a great reunion of travellers and wonderful to see Steve and Eryn, also Erin Sievright and Trevor (uncle) Lewin. We enjoyed a wonderful array of food that the "young ones" had organized. Then we adjourned to the roof top to watch a 25 minute fireworks display. "Such a welcome!"
With plans to arise early and do some sightseeing it was time to get some very necessary sleep. The next thing we knew was the hotel phone was ringing and the reception girl saying there's a gentleman in the foyer for you. We knew it would be Trevor, it was 9am and we were still dosey.
We had breakfast but missed seeing Trevor, he must have given up on us! Then it was soon time toreturn to Kinsalata for our pick up plans and the trip to Whistler. Boys and Erin S in two vehicles, this was our first meeting with Eryn's dad, John who drove his black Pontiac (Aussie built Commodore).
We stopped along the way at a superb waterfall, the abundant water coming from a melting glazier. We enjoyed the phenomenal scenery with large mountains rising virtually out of the sea, the deep ocean waters different shades of blue on account of the particles from the land.
We stopped at Squamish along te way, a quick look at St John the divine Church and then on to the lovely lunch place, it was 2.30 and we were ready to munch, Steve had been told not to have too much!!
As we drove the last few kms to our destination we took a detour to Whistler Bungee.. no wonder now about the lunch instruction, the boys had organized a jump for the man of the moment. It took some time and we were all nervous for him, but he did well.
On arrival at our cabin (house) in Whistler we met the girls who had driven up with Donna, Eryn's mum. A quick greeting and look at the house, then the boys were off to hit a few golf balls on the driving range. This was followed by dinner at Earl's Bistro, steak and ribs being the popular meals. The young guys kicked on till late, John and his friend Dave from Edinburgh and Ray made an earlier exit.